
Flure Etiquette 101

At Flure, we take pride in creating a safe and inclusive community. We understand that the online dating world can be difficult to navigate, and we’re here to help. We strive to build a community that is as safe and inclusive as a pillow fort. To achieve that, we have established some guidelines that we expect all members of our community to follow.

Invitation only, baby!

Let’s face it, statistically men’s behavior on dating apps can be pretty disturbing and lead to negative experiences for women. Flure chooses to protect women’s interests and comfort. By requiring men to be invited by women who are already on the app, we’re leveling the playing field and creating a more equal and safe environment for all users.

Respect over drama

Kindness and decency are the foundations of a healthy community. So even if you don’t agree with someone, treat them with respect. We don’t tolerate hate speech, discrimination, or harassment of any kind. Remember, we’re all in this together.

Keep it clean

We want Flure to be a safe space for everyone, so please keep all content and language appropriate. Posting or sharing explicit, violent, or offensive material is strictly prohibited.

Positive vibes only

We encourage healthy and constructive discussions, but please do not engage in any behavior that disrupts the community. This includes spamming, trolling, or creating multiple accounts.

Your secrets are safe

Respect other people’s privacy, too. We’re not on a reality TV show, so don’t share someone’s personal information without their explicit consent. Sensitive or confidential information, such as financial or medical data, is off-limits, too.

Make a difference

Last but not least, if you see any behavior that violates our guidelines, please report it to us ASAP. We’ll investigate all reports and take appropriate action, including removing content, suspending or terminating accounts. Think of us like your friendly neighborhood watch. We reserve the right to modify or update these guidelines at any time, so stay tuned. By joining the Flure community, you agree to follow these guidelines and help us create a fun, welcoming, and safe environment for everyone. Remember, it takes a village… or in our case, a community like ours. Let’s have some fun.